CCVS is able to provide advice and support to members on managing, recruiting and retaining volunteers. In the first instance see the links to the materials below. 

If you still have questions or would like some additional guidance please email

You can also get more support by

We have highlighted some guides and information on different types of volunteering that may be of use.

Micro volunteering

NVCO have developed a practical guide to setting up a micro volunteering project for your organisation. Download it from their site

Young Volunteers (under 18’s)

Volunteering helps young people thrive, and transforms the communities they live in. It teaches them vital skills and prepares them for the future.  You can advertise roles for 16-17yr olds, under 16 and school children on Also Vinspired is a volunteering charity for 14 - 25 year olds that can advertise your roles  

Useful guidance is available on the York City Council YorOK pages, and also on the Volunteer Now website

Inclusive Volunteering

An inclusive volunteer programme is one that is accessible to everyone who is capable of fulfilling a volunteering role subject to being given the right support or offered the right adjustments.  Organisations need to utilise a source of talent and commitment which inclusive volunteering helps them tap into.  This wider pool of volunteers will bring fresh ideas, skills and commitment and they will make organisations relevant to the communities they serve.  Our Supported Volunteer Programme can offer guidance for organisations and help for volunteers

Useful resources